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All Water Heater and other plumbing connections are done to code

with NO "diy" water connection fittings. Copper connections are soldered or pressed, pex is crimped and Uponor or Wirsbo is expanded,

leaving you with peace of mind. Have your Water Heater service done

 by one of the best plumbing companies in Chilliwack.


  • Water Heater Repair

  • Tankless Water Heater Install 

  • Natural Gas Water Heater Install

  • Electric Water Heater Install

  • High Efficiency Water Heater Install

  • Fire And Flood Restoration

Water Heater Service Chilliwack
Water heater installs in chilliwack



Having your Water Heater changed and want to know why some quotes are higher than others? Here's a couple questions you can ask to make sure you are getting what you need and the job gets done right:


1) Does the installer being dispatched to your home have a Gas B License AND a Red Seal Plumbing ticket? 

Training and certification is important. There are hundreds of pipe materials and fitting configurations out there. Some of the older piping materials fittings can get VERY fragile with age. Only a trained Plumbing professional will be able to identify suspect pipe and fittings in your home just by looking at them.  


A Professional Gas Fitter can determine if your Natural Gas System is safe. In most cases, small changes are needed to keep your system up to date, operating reliably and operating safely. Without the proper Gas License and ongoing traininghaving an uncertified installer in your home could be dangerous.


2) Does the company hold a Gas Contractors License?

Every time a Natural Gas appliance is changed in Chilliwack, the work needs to be permitted by Technical Safety BC. Without this License, you can not get a Permit. Not having a permit can get you in trouble with your insurance company or your strata.


3) Do you need an expansion tank installed? Is it in the quote if you do?

In some homes, expansion tanks are very important. If you need one and don't get one, the water pressure in your home could skyrocket and trip your new temperature and pressure valve wasting hot water and costing you money.


4) Is your installer using Flexible Stainless Steel Water Heater Connectors on your new tank style Water Heater?

STOP! These connectors save a ton of time (Never actually used one) but in my opinion, should not be used on water heaters. Your new Water Heater comes with a "Heat Trap", these are small inserts in the pipe connections at the top of the tank that are intended to conserve energy. They rest on top of the inlet and outlet of newer Water Heaters, they are made of plastic and make a terrible sealing surface for flanged swivel connectors. Its basically like using a garden hose.


5) Where is your new water heater coming from?

Retail tanks from big box retailers might have the same great brand names, but unfortunately come with a cheaper plastic drain that fail over time. And if the box it comes in is damaged, this usually means the tank is damaged too. Be sure your new water heater comes from a trusted local plumbing supplier.  


6) Does your plumbing system need any shut off valves or trap primers replaced? If so, is this extra work included in your quote?

Extras can add up. If your shut off valves leak or dont work, be sure to have this work included in your quote. Other things like atmospheric vacuum breakers and trap primers should also be evaluated. And if needed, replaced.


7) Does your quote include a tank pan?

If you dont already have one, tank pans are important. Even if you don't have a floor drain, tank pans can help prevent property damage. If your tank is used passed its recommended life span or in the unlikely event of premature failure, small leaks will show up in your pan and give you a heads up there's a problem. If the leak runs down the back of your tank, without a pan, who knows where it could end up.



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